Before Rihanna's take on BDSM, Madonna, in 1995, released the video for Human Nature.
I love this video. The intricate choreography makes this video so brilliant. Madonna's take on sexuality in this video isn't so obvious, though in the past it has been blatant and shameless (like writhing around on the stage in a wedding dress). Unlike Rihanna, she doesn't have to eat a "banana" to show that she likes sex.
She's written a lot of stupid lyrics, like "Doesn't matter, and if it makes you feel good, then I say do it." (Hedonism as an ethical theory doesn't sit well with me.) But, she's also had some great lines, like "Would it sound better if I were a man?" and "Nothing really matters. Love is all we need."
That last lyric reminds me of Björk's All is Full of Love.
Also, can I please talk about how everyone copies Madonna?
1) Kesha versus Madonna
(here) |
(here) |
2) Rihanna versus Madonna
(here) |
(here) |
3) Lady Gaga versus Madonna
Gaga: Italian. Pop singer who's "breaking" new boundaries. Challenges the status quo. An "artist." Can actually sing.
Madonna: Italian. Pop singer who did and still provokes the norms of society. Can actually dance.
I agree, Madonna's a cultural icon. She reinvented the look and feel of the modern female pop artist.
Omg Rihanna on the last picture looks just horrible( this outfit doesn't do her any good. bad copy..
Agree with what you've said. Couldn't watch this video past first minute. Too obvious and besides, noone can amaze and shock us with sex dolls etc. It loos rather banal.
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