Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Of spring and randomness

(the editing of this video is brilliant!)

For your reading pleasure, here is an ode to spring I wrote in late February of 2008 (i.e the time in which I was trying to sound intelligent, but ended up sounding like a pretentious asshole):

O Spring, why must you hide!
You play a perpetual game of cat and mouse, enticing those who are easily susceptible to irrationality.
Your sly face appears to tease those who love.
Yet their love ceases when you disappear behind the clouds - for the love of most is fickle, and their faith wears thin.
O Spring, why must you be so cunning!
You emerge before we are ready to bask in your majesty, to immerse our skin in your beautiful light.
We take you for granted, O Spring, because it is your desire that we be so unappreciative.
Yes, O Spring, it is your fault!
Please, O Spring, come back! Return! Mock us with all your glory, we don't mind; just come back.

On a completely unrelated note, Rihanna's new album is atrocious. I don't know what I was expecting.
(photos not credited via fashiongonerogue)


Vinda Sonata said...

great pictures. the second one, the greecian town, and the last pictures are my favorites.
they inspire me!

Ellinor Forje said...

I love the first two photos and the picture from Greece. Thanks for sharing and drop by me too when you have time.


Michele said...

Cool pictures! I love the dinosaurs, did you do that one yourself?

Amelie said...

Michele, no, I did not do the dinosaur drawing; if I drew dinosaurs, they would look like stick people...except stick dinosaurs. I found it while stumbling, but it's from

LyddieGal said...

I think i might want to live in that sunroom and the red white and blue wedges. those are some serious awesomeness.

and i agree, I need some spring. need it bad.

Chic on the Cheap

boyunso said...

first one is the best, i think. and other photos of models are very great, too!!!

and now i'm following you, if you like my blog, follow mine, too ^^