As I've mentioned before, I've been told I'm a gypsy (though not exactly the Esmeralda-type from the Disney version of Hunchback of Notre Dame; I don't wear harem pants or belly shirts). A friend pointed out to me, after making me listen to this song, that whenever Miss Lambert sang about livin' in an airstream with homemade curtains, she specifically thought of me.
Today, while on my lunch break and listening to this song, I fully realized my inherent gypsy qualities. However, I must note that I am not the kind of gypsy described on I am the forever unsatisfied gypsy. For example, when I want to play the piano, I'm not near one. When I desire to go to the beach, I've no vacation time to get away. When I lust over a pair of affordable shoes, I don't have the money to buy them. And most importantly, when I want to set the gypsy in me free, I feel so constrained that I don't now how to let it out of its cage.
I want to be a writer! I want to be a professional arguer! (No, not a lawyer.) I want to be an anthropologist! I want to be a bartender in St. Thomas! I want to travel everywhere and meet everyone (at my convenience and when I feel like talking, of course)! I want to be a physicist! I want to be a college professor! I want to be a singer! I want to be a dancer! I want to be a theologian! I want to be a model! I want to be a stylist! I want to be a philosopher! I want to be a muse! I want to be a hairstylist! I want to be CEO of a large company! I want to be a cowgirl! ...that's seventeen "wants" for you right there. And that's not a comprehensive list.
Does anyone else feel this aching desire to keep moving on to something different?
(via fashiongonerogue)