Friday, March 4, 2011

I'll try not to let you down until the siren come calling...

Two things, but background on number one first.

1) I worked at the newspaper in my hometown when I was 19, and I had opportunities to write stories for the paper when I wasn't being instructed to do something else (e.g. type up letters to the editor, put the court report together - which everyone in my small town loved to read, apparently - type up other random stuff, make copies, take pictures of ribbon cuttings, and fail to make coffee). So, I was legit published (I can say that, because my name was under the title) in my 8,000 population town. I didn't write about anything terribly exciting...I remember writing about a sort of "thrifty threads" store moving across town...but everything else eludes me.

SO, background over. Now I am published in Indianapolis (and, again, I can say that because my name is under the title - whoo!). Here it is. If you feel like learning about something you probably already know about, you might be interested in this three paragraph piece.

2) I thought I might as well delve into the realm of advertising, soooo I now have an advertiser...I think. I'm not quite sure how it works, but I have the banner on my blog and a confirmation email, so I'm assuming I'm good to go? Anyway, it's (which is a subset of, and they sell t-shirts from established artists, and ...well, non-established artists can submit their t-shirt designs, too. If they're good, they sell them. I'm not a huge t-shirt person, but they've got some interesting designs.
For example:

"Oh God, being a zombie is worse than I thought."


In other news, my e key is not working too well; it's rather sticky. And I have an ominous feeling about my computer, that it's going to kick the bucket on me. DON'T DIE ON ME, COMPUTER. WE'VE HAD ALMOST FIVE GOOD YEARS TOGETHER. WE NEED EACH OTHER. RIGHT?!?!


Anonymous said...

congrats on getting someone to advertise on your blog! and ps i'm loving your heading, and all the ones that you've been doing lately, they're so great!

Lydia Armstrong said...

Congrats on being published. I feel like we just kinda talked about the topic of copycatting blogging the other day! Yes, daily outfit blogs get monotonous but they're my favorite. I prefer to see what real people are wearing over photos of runway shoes or styled shoots. It's vain and we talk about the dumb crap we did all day, but it's fun, and most of us aren't trying to be famous. Blogging for me is a creative outlet, and motivation to get more use out of my wardrobe and wear things in creative ways. I didn't even originally intend for my blog to be at all a style blog, but that's what was most fun to post about.

Also, I think fashion is for everyone, and I don't think that your position in the industry necessarily dictates your ability to intelligently critique fashion. Or that being a style blogger means you aren't able to intelligently do so. And obviously SOMEONE's taking style bloggers seriously, because they aren't scoring front row seats at runway shows for no reason.

Interesting post.